Sunday 26 February 2012

Duke The Lost Engine - Steady Progress

Whilst I find the colour of this loco a little dark, it's also more to my liking. Got to say it'll be a nice change compared to the other locomotives in red and black. As soon as it has a crew, nameplates, chassis fixed and lining, hopefully it'll be a good addition to the motive power.

Even when positioned with some of the Mid Sodor Railway stock, it looks the part. Hoping to get a few more of the Skarloey engines done and out the way, always been something I've wanted to do and now I'm getting it done. Do prefer them in the books though, the rainbow liveries of the Television series


Saturday 25 February 2012

Trainz Railroad Simulator? Pfft. Back in my day we had this...

This takes me back some years. I used to play the crap out of this, and getting a working copy again means I'm back at it.

Have a game play video whilst I bathe in nostalgia.


Monday 20 February 2012

Stepney - Complete

Whilst this is a somewhat lazy model, I've yet to add a few features such as the extended bunker and a crew. Certainly looks more appealing in his real livery though.

As always, running test will be up soon on my YouTube channel.


Thursday 16 February 2012

Monday 6 February 2012